Self-service boosts for real estate agencies
Reach hundreds of potential buyers in just a few clicks. Decide for yourself which listing you want to promote and when.
- Powerful ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and TikTok.
- To attract potential buyers around the location of your listing.
- By intelligently using Nextimmo’s centralized and powerful data.
- Launch it in no time via your account.
- You determine the budget and duration.

- Log in.
- Find the listing you want to promote.
- Click on 'Add a boost' to launch an ad.

- Select the language.
- Select the visual.
- Select the ad texts (or use AI).
- Select the preset and click 'Launch'.
- Dynamic benchmark analysis at the listing level.
- Identify listings that need a boost.
- In-depth analysis on the listing’s detail page in the account.

- Log in to view statistics.
- You will receive a report in your inbox.
- Previews and reports are also available in the account.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I access the boost interface for my real estate listings?
To access the boost interface on marketing channels, you must have a professional account on Nextimmo and have published your listings at least 3 days in advance.
- What happens when a listing is boosted?
When you boost a listing, our algorithm promotes your property in social media feeds, ensuring high visibility for your ad.
- What is the minimum amount to invest in a boost?
The minimum amount to invest in a boost is 2 euros per day, which equals 2 credits per day.
- Can I choose the boost period?
Yes, you can define the promotion period as you wish. The boost will end at midnight on the last day of the selected period.
- Can I choose the language of the boost?
Yes, depending on your needs, you can boost your listings in French, German, or English.
- Can I use videos in my boosts?
Yes, you can either choose any photo, upload your own video, or have a video generated by AI. This can be especially useful for TikTok and Instagram.
- Will my listing appear in promoted catalogs on social media?
No, your listing will be exclusively promoted on the selected social media platforms.
- Can I stop a boost in case of a sale?
Yes, click on the skull icon to stop a boost.
- Are the credits for stopped boosts permanently lost?
No, the credits for stopped boosts will be credited back to you so that you can reuse them within the current month.
- Why is it essential to use Nextimmo's marketing feeds?
Nextimmo is an innovative platform providing access to real estate and marketing technologies for all its clients. By using our algorithms, you benefit from data that helps you reach the right people at the right time.