How to sign a preliminary contract of sale between private individuals?

Rudolphe ABENRudolphe ABEN - NEXTIMMO.LU

Rudolphe ABEN

How to sign a preliminary contract of sale between private individuals?

When a real estate sale between private individuals takes place in Luxembourg, the preliminary sales agreement is an important contractual document that must be signed to formalize the agreement between the parties.

It is a mutual commitment that specifies the terms of the sale, such as the price, the deadlines, the obligations of the parties, etc. Here are the steps to follow to sign a preliminary sale agreement between individuals in Luxembourg.

Preparation of the preliminary sale and purchase agreement

It can be drafted by one of the parties, a lawyer or a notary. It is important to check that all the information is correct and complete.

Be assisted by a lawyer or a notary

Although it is not mandatory, it is strongly recommended to be assisted by a professional to ensure that all the provisions of the compromise are in compliance with Luxembourg law.

Sign the preliminary purchase agreement

Both parties must sign the compromise in two original copies, one for each party.

Keep one copy

It is important to keep a copy of the sales contract so that it can be produced in the event of a dispute.

Register the preliminary sale agreement

It is compulsory to register the sale agreement at the Chamber of Commerce for the sale to be valid.

In conclusion, signing a preliminary sale agreement between individuals in Luxembourg is a simple process, but important to formalize the agreement between the parties. It is recommended to consult a lawyer or a notary to ensure that the sale complies with Luxembourg law.