How to rent successfully in Luxembourg?

Rudolphe ABENRudolphe ABEN - NEXTIMMO.LU

Rudolphe ABEN

How to rent successfully in Luxembourg?

Renting an apartment in Luxembourg can be challenging, but with the right tips you can find the ideal tenant and ensure a positive rental experience. Here are our tips for renting well in Luxembourg:

Prepare your apartment

Make sure your property is in good condition and ready to rent. Make repairs, clean the rooms and make sure everything works properly.

Set the rules for renting

Set clear rules for renting, such as arrival and departure times, service charges, payment obligations, etc.

Advertise your accommodation

Use online platforms, ads in local newspapers and bulletin boards to advertise your accommodation for rent. Be sure to include photos and a detailed description.

Screen potential tenants

It is important to check the background and financial situation of potential tenants before renting. This may include a credit check and obtaining references.

Draw up a lease

Make sure you have a lease with clearly defined rental terms. The contract can include details about payment obligations, repairs, and move-out requirements.

Monitor payments

Make sure you receive rent payments on time and follow up on late payments.

Perform regular maintenance

Perform regular inspections to make sure the apartment is in good condition and to identify potential problems.

Following these tips will help you find the ideal tenant and ensure a positive rental experience in Luxembourg.