How to prepare for your move?

Rudolphe ABENRudolphe ABEN - NEXTIMMO.LU

Rudolphe ABEN

How to prepare for your move?

Finding the perfect rental and finishing up the necessary paperwork to move in (insurance, inventory of fixtures, signing the lease, etc.) means you're ready to settle in. Naturally, it merits extensive preparation, to ensure a problem-free transition into your new life. What should I do to get ready for moving day? Is there a plan in place for handling crises if they arise? If you're moving, should you go it alone or hire movers? Tips.

Take care of unexpected issues before starting to plan the relocation

Moving can cause disruptions in your life, such as having to enroll your children in a new school, giving your current landlord notice of your impending departure via registered letter, informing your employer, and notifying any and all administrative services.

You'll be too busy soaking in the boxes to worry about all that other stuff. That's why it's crucial that you solve these problems in advance of your relocation.

Do as much housecleaning as you can

Simplify your relocation by beginning with a well-thought-out packing plan for each room. Don't just start throwing things into boxes without first sorting through them; instead, make a plan for a systematic approach that will help you identify exactly what you're bringing with you. Donate clothes that are too big or too small to charity or sell them on Craigslist.

Next, sort your furniture into those pieces you want to keep and those that won't fit in your new place. Prepare for the potential acquisition of new machinery by getting rid of the old stuff you won't use.

“Determine which pieces of furniture you wish to bring with you and which will not work in your new space”.

Moving day preparations can be simplified if you only keep the items that came with your new home.

Figure out if you need a professional mover or if friends can help

It will be more or less risky to move without the assistance of professionals depending on the quantity of items to be moved, the distance to be covered, the size of your furniture, and the accessibility of the two homes. Get in touch with your friends early and give them the date if you think you'll need their help with the project. If not, hire professional movers.

This need not cost a fortune, as movers typically provide several different packages, one of which is simply hiring them to move heavy and/or bulky items. This will help you save money on your move, but it will be very labor intensive to move all of the boxes from one location to another. You get to choose whether you put more value on getting the full service or saving money.

For those who are moving, the big day must be planned in advance

Make sure your move goes off without a hitch by hiring a babysitter to keep an eye on the kids while you pack and load the truck. Inquire with the local authorities about setting aside a parking spot for the truck carrying the furniture.

Think about the actual moving process as you pack, and organize your belongings accordingly. If you want to save time unpacking, divide the load among several boxes, wrap fragile items individually, and label each box with the destination room.

“Packing should not be rushed; instead, everything should be packed in a way that facilitates movement”.

Most importantly, make sure to switch your Internet provider to your new address and activate your water, electricity, and gas contracts (if applicable) so that you can start using them as soon as possible.