What are the benefits of renting for a couple?

Rudolphe ABENRudolphe ABEN - NEXTIMMO.LU

Rudolphe ABEN

What are the benefits of renting for a couple?

If you have recently purchased a property with the intention of renting it out, you may be looking for tenants. Living alone, with roommates or in a committed relationship? Consider the different rental scenarios and the benefits of renting to a couple.

The benefits of renting to a couple over other possible tenants

1. Renting to a single tenant

Renting to a single tenant is an option. There is little reason to worry if his income is at least three times the monthly rent. On the other hand, if he suddenly loses his job and is unable to pay the rent, you may be in immediate arrears, or even have to find a new tenant.

2. Renting to multiple occupants in the same unit

The problems mentioned above are just a few that can be avoided when tenants pool their resources and live in common spaces. Additionally, the risks are mitigated if your tenants are students, as their parents will be paying the rent. But sharing a unit with others can lead to noise complaints and even vandalism at night.

3. Renting to a couple

By renting to a couple, you can be sure that your rent will be paid even if one tenant loses his or her job and the other continues to receive income from their partner. They're also likely to be quieter than roommates with friends, unless they have small children. But families are universally more welcome in housing, so there will be fewer problems between neighbors.

Advantages specific to the couple's situation

When a man and a woman get married, they automatically become co-tenants. This simplifies not only the paperwork, but also the payments: if one of the tenants is late in paying the rent, the other can be asked to cover the shortfall.

In addition, if one spouse moves out, he or she is still obligated to pay his or her share; only a divorce will relieve him or her of this responsibility.

Thus, renting to a couple has a number of advantages, including reduced risk of non-payment, increased security in the condominium, simplified administration and the possibility of a lease transfer.